Whether you are looking to sell your business or acquire a new one, it is crucial you do your homework to weigh up the risks and the benefits. If you don’t, the ramifications can be significant.

Evolve Business Advisory is well placed to identify any concerns and provide you with valuable insights that could prove essential in the decision making process.

We have helped businesses just like yours buy, sell or merge, taking the leadership role and completing many transactions with values from AUD $5 million to AUD$170 million.

Mergers, Sales & Acquisitions

Our expertise includes:

  • Executing the best due diligence plan to give you the negotiating power you need for a successful acquisition
  • Independently assessing and positioning a business to maximise its value before sale
  • Preparing a professional prospectus for businesses seeking the capital needed to bring their business plan to life
  • Careful planning for a successful merger so you can combine forces rather than compete. Studies show only 14% of mergers achieve their business case. But with proper and thorough due diligence, we can help you avoid a toxic acquisition and guide the process to success.

Need due diligence advice? Book a free consultation today.

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